Dorcus Akullus: A Prayerful Widow 

Fellowship Foundation Latigo, serving through the Fellowship Foundation, has faced numerous horrors from his upbringing. However, he has overcome them thanks to his unwavering faith in God and his deep-seated desire to care for others who have faced similar challenges. His compassion for widows and orphans has only grown stronger over time, making Latigo an … Continued

A Call to Action: Standing Against Child Trafficking

Far Reaching Ministries: A Missions Partner Far Reaching Ministries provides humanitarian resources relief to the poor and persecuted people in various nations throughout the world. It’s mission is to rescue and prevent the suffering and exploitation of vulnerable communities by assisting to rebuild lives after facing religious persecution, violence, ethnic cleansing, rape, abduction, torture, and … Continued

Tigre Lopez’s Path to a New Home

Independent Missionary Network IMN is the result of a vision of its founder Keith Brutout, who has been led by the Lord to reach out to a cross-culture ministry. We exist to help  Missionaries develop relationships that make Christ Known, demonstrate the Love of God, and bring the Gospel to all people groups. Keith and … Continued

A Project of Restoration for Anna Ajin’s Family

Independent Missionary Network IMN is the result of a vision of its founder Keith Brutout, who has been led by the Lord to reach out to a cross-culture ministry. We exist to help  Missionaries develop relationships that make Christ Known, demonstrate the Love of God, and bring the Gospel to all people groups. Keith and … Continued

Assisting the Persecuted Church

The Voice of the Martyrs The Voice of the Martyrs is dedicated to serving the persecuted church worldwide by providing physical and spiritual support to individuals and communities facing persecution for their faith in Jesus Christ. Through their mission, they strive to raise awareness, advocate for justice, and inspire believers around the world to stand … Continued

A Restored Home For the Monroy Family

Independent Missionary Network IMN is the result of a vision of its founder Keith Brutout, who has been led by the Lord to reach out to a cross-culture ministry. We exist to help  Missionaries develop relationships that make Christ Known, demonstrate the Love of God, and bring the Gospel to all people groups. Keith and … Continued