Empowering Lives: BUYONE BUILDONE’s impact in Danli, Honduras

Jose Gonzales & Leila Vallecillo Jose and Leila are in their forty’s supporting a large family of six. There are four children: Jose (16), Genesis (11), Tony (5) and Ailyn (2).They are a hardworking agricultural family, living in a remote mountain of the Department Valley of Honduras called Danli.

Danli, is a location known for producing coffee and in abundance. However, it is also one of the poorest areas of Honduras.The family have been coffee farmers, with their main source of income from the coffee plantation. Due to the time of development to commercialization and having only one harvest a year, it has been challenging and then some, as they raise their children.

Their home is a meager structure, nothing compared to where tourists would stay. The family was living in a Bahareque house; a structure built with stick or interwoven cane, mud, and with a dirt floor.The mud at the base of the structure was crumbling, due to the rain, and washing away. The family was resourceful and was trying to stucco the walls, however this was a slow process.

When Agustin met Jose and Leila, his heart was moved by their situation. Their home was not in the best condition, no concrete floor, roof leaking and walls falling apart. He offered to move them near the city and help them with his ranch.

Thanks to BUYONE BUILDONE and Carpenters for Christ, a new home was built for Jose and Leila that will last years to come. It is perfectly square, very level, and in a beautiful location. Jose and Leila were filled with such gratitude, they were in awe of how good and gracious God has been to them in such a very short time.

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Carpenters for Christ: Meet Jonathan Rivas

Carpenters for Christ, established in 1975 by members of Golden Springs Baptist Church in Anniston, AL, epitomizes a steadfast commitment to practical service, utilizing carpentry expertise to uplift communities globally. With nearly 50 years of dedicated service, Carpenters for Christ remains focused on projects along the east coast and worldwide, driven by faith, devotion, and a deep sense of compassion for those in need. As they work tirelessly, they echo the timeless truth that “For every house is built by someone, but the builder of all things is God,” embracing both the physical and spiritual dimensions of their mission.