BUYONE BUILDONE Enables Bolivian Family to Purchase a Home
Natanael has served his community for eleven years as a local pastor and church planter. He and has wife have three children, two of which have severe hearing disabilities. This struggling family has been diligently saving to buy a house, but have instead used their savings to cover medical expenses, not only for their children, but also for Natanael’s mother who recently suffered from a Covid infection that nearly took her life. This family depends entirely on the kindness and generosity of others. They are currently living with relatives when they can, and when they cannot, they stay in two Sunday school classrooms at their church. Your partnership with Brush Arbor Homes has enabled us to provide them with the necessary funding to finally purchase a home all their own.
Ripe For Harvest: A Missions Partner
Founded in 1979, Ripe for Harvest is a network that empowers and equips over 200 leaders for Christian missions mobilization worldwide. These partners labor in diverse and unique contexts, each with a particular passion and calling to change lives by bringing hope and help to those in need. Through BUYONE BUILDONE, Brush Arbor Homes has invested in a home building outreach in Bolivia. Over 70% of the population in Bolivia lives in poverty. It is estimated that nearly half live on less than $2.00 a day.The team on the ground, led by my friend Joe Holman, shared with us an opportunity to help this precious family facing unprecedented hardship.